Statutory Accident benefits
Small Claims court until $ 25,000
Immigration Related What is a Record Suspension?A Record Suspension
Regardless of which term you use, ‘Pardon’ or ‘Record Suspension’, the effect is the same: your criminal record is permanently sealed from the public record, essentially giving you a fresh start at living life as if you didn’t have a criminal record. Record Suspension (Canadian Pardon)Provides proof that a criminal record should no longer reflect upon a person’s character. It is a very important part of the rehabilitation process because it gives people a ‘clean slate’ (there are exceptions), facilitates integration into the community, and helps reduce the rate of recidivism (meaning, they are less likely to reoffend). The idea that it is available is a motivating factor for some to stop re-offending. It recognizes the fact that people do rehabilitate. Patent: PatentsA patent for an invention is the grant of an exclusive right to prevent others from doing what’s specified in the claims of the patent. Generally, the term of a new patent is 20 years from the date on which the application for the patent was filed in Canada.